As regular as clockwork we go from Great People Shortages to quiet quitting and now another brand new one – the irony has always been that these are nothing new at all.
The Big Stay may be another headline to bait clicks, but this time it’s a simple consequence of market forces that should be the crux of any recruitment strategy.
In times of plenty, people seek more.
In times of scarcity, people hunker down on what they know as their ambitions slide along Region Beta Paradox.
I don’t think it should be a massive surprise that when there is news of market instability and mass redundancies everywhere, the promise of existing job security becomes more attractive than the allure of a better job.
There isn’t really any need to dig deep into analysis of this Trend.
All that matters is that we give the people we want to employ the right reason to talk to us.
Start the right conversations and show them why a move is a good idea after all, and you may even attract candidates other recruiters can’t access.
If you’ve focused on that in a Great Resignation candidate economy, you can maintain that focus during the Big Stay.
While if you hadn’t, now is the second best time to get good, as they say in gaming, and you can carry that through to the plentiful times too.
Besides, with all the mass redundancies, the number of active job seekers offsets those that are harder to access.
Is their status any reason to preclude them, and could their availability could be beneficial when, in the UK, notice periods can be 1 to 6 months?
If you can’t attract those that don’t think they want to move, you could always redefine what good is and help people back into work.
Anyway, back to longer editions next time as I look at the E in AIDE - experience.
p.s. While you are here, if you like the idea of improving how you recruit, lack capacity or need better candidates, and are curious how I can help, these are my services:
- commercial, operational and technical leadership recruitment (available for no more than two vacancies)
- manage part or all of your recruitment on an individually designed basis for one client
- recruitment coaching and mentoring (one place available at £200/hr + VAT)
- recruitment strategy setting
- outplacement support
Just hit reply to check if my approach is right for you.